Protein Before Bed

Protein in Egg Whites

Protein Before Bed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Repost From:                                                                                    Caloriesperhour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Eating right before bed has always been a no-no when it comes to losing weight.  All those carbohydrates ingested are quickly converted to sugar and your body‘s response is to flood your bloodstream with insulin in an attempt to lower your blood sugar levels. Where do the sugars go?  You guessed it, right to your thighs in the form of fat

But, not all foods right before bed are necessarily bad for you. In fact,  If you don’t put protein into your body before you go to bed, your body will run out of protein about 2 am. Once your body digests all of its available protein, your body thinks it is starving itself. To protect you, your body shuts down and starts storing fat cells. The sugar in your blood still needs protein to keep you going, so it starts consuming the only protein source available, your own muscle mass. Basically, you are storing fat and eating muscle.

By drinking a high protein smoothie just before you go to bed, the added protein will support muscle growth for up to 4 to 5 hours. Now the process is reversed for most of your sleep time. Rather than storing fat and eating muscle, the protein allows your body to burn the fat at its normal rate while building muscle.

By eating protein right before bed, you will get a better night sleep and wake up more alert and less hungry in the morning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Coconut Almond Protein Smoothie Recipe
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 cup (8 oz) raw pasteurized egg whites
2 tablespoons almond butter
5 ice cubes

Blend for 1 min and serve just before bed..

4 Muscles You Should Never Ignore

  Well I felt that I have been focusing so much on womans health and weight loss for woman so I decided I really need to post something for the men looking for some good fitness tips. So here you go guy’s I found this on Yahoo Health                                                                                                                                                                                              4 Muscles You Should Never Ignore                                                                                                                                                                                                          I’m a fit guy. At least I thought so. That changed earlier this week while doing a video workout called Combat Cardio, which was designed by B.J. Gaddour, one of Men’s Health’s top fitness advisors.

                                                                                                                 Gaddour specializes in metabolic training—that is, fast and intense exercises that not only build muscle, but also boost your metabolism and blast fat. Combat Cardio, part of our all-new Speed Shred workout program (pictured at right), is no exception. In the video, Gaddour tirelessly demonstrates a mix of boxing and karate moves for 40 minutes straight. Even 35 minutes in, he looks ready to take down a gang of thieves.

I, on the other hand, looked like I was trying unsuccessfully to ward off a swarm of gnats. Not only did I get progressively weaker throughout the workout—my jabs to the face became more like pokes to the chest—but by the end I could no longer lift my arms over my shoulders or my feet above knee level.

“I’m out of shape,” I told Men’s Health fitness director Adam Campbell, C.S.C.S., the next day.

“No you’re not,” he said. “You’ve just been ignoring your small muscles.”

I’d fallen into a common trap, explained Campbell. Abs and biceps receive all the glory, so we work them hard. But it’s the little-known muscles—those deep in your core, hips, and shoulders—that make the big ones stand out. Target those areas, and your whole body benefits. Not only will you look better, but you’ll also have more strength and suffer fewer injuries.

The four muscles below may never earn top billing, but building them will rejuvenate your workouts and ignite new growth. Use the exercises below to target them.

Muscle #1: Serratus Anterior

This muscle, located on the side of your chest along your ribs, attaches to and allows you to rotate your shoulder-blade (a.k.a. scapula). It plays a vital role when you raise your shoulder to flex your arm and move it away from your body; that’s why it’s prominent in boxers but not your average guy. Blame the bench press. Because of the support provided by the bench, the serratus anterior doesn’t receive much direct challenge during this popular exercise, says Mike Robertson, C.S.C.S., a strength coach in Indianapolis.

                                                                                                                                Test yours: Do a push up without wearing a shirt and have someone look at your back during the move.    If you have a winged scapula, your shoulder-blade will stick out; this means your serratus is weak, says Robertson. A strong one suction your scapula in during the movement, eliminating the winged look.

Build yours: Standard push ups strengthen the muscle, but doing push up variations is the quickest way to correct a weakness, says Robertson. Use a power rack to perform incline push ups on a bar bell. (Or just use a table or chair at home.) Start with your body at the lowest incline that doesn’t allow your shoulders to wing—which means placing the bar relatively high. Perform 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. As you become stronger and learn to control your scapula motion, work your way down the rack until you’re doing regular push ups with perfect body alignment.

Muscle #2: Psoas

The psoas (so-az) muscle runs through your hips to connect the lower portion of your back to the top of your thigh. It’s one of your body’s main back stabilizers and hip flexors (the muscles that line your hips and allow you to bring your knees toward your chest). If you sit all day, the psoas becomes rounded like a banana; then, when you stand up, the psoas pulls on your back, making you more prone to pain and lower-back injury. “A weak psoas also means you’ll end up with assorted knee issues, because other secondary hip flexors take over and cause pain,” Robertson says.

                                                                                                                          Test yours: Lie on your back and pull one knee to your chest. Keep your other leg straight. If the psoas is of normal length, your straight leg will rest on the floor. If your leg sits above the floor, your psoas is either stiff or shortened, says Bill Hartman, C.S.C.S., a strength coach based in Indianapolis.

Build yours: The only way to strengthen a weak psoas is by bringing your knee above 90 degrees. Sit with your knees bent on a low box or bench (6 to 10 inches high). Maintaining good posture and keeping your abs tight, use your hips to raise one bent knee slightly higher than your hips. If you lean forward or backward, you’re not performing the exercise correctly. Hold for 5 seconds, and return to the starting position. Complete 3 sets of 5 repetitions per leg. To help release some of the pressure you may feel, you can use your thumb to press on your hip flexor; it’ll be on your side and a little lower than your belly button.

Muscles #3 and #4: Supraspinatus and Subscapularis

The supraspinatus is one of the small muscles at the top of your shoulder that makes up the rotator cuff; the subscapularis is a large muscle on the front of your shoulder-blade. Blame your desk job for weak shoulders: If your upper body is rounded, it’s most likely because your chest is tight, which means the opposing muscles in your shoulders are weak. Strengthen the stabilizing muscles, and you’ll see improvement on your bench press and in overhead sports like swimming or tennis, as well as in your overall upper-body power.

Test yours: Bring your arms straight out in front of you at about a 45-degree angle, your thumbs pointed up—like you’re about to hug someone. Have a friend stand in front of you and push your arms downward with moderate pressure. (The friend’s hands should be positioned above your wrists on your forearms.) If you feel soreness in your shoulders or can’t resist the pressure, you probably need to strengthen your supraspinatus, says Jeff Plasschaert, a strength coach based in Florida.

Build yours: A simple move is all you need, says Robertson. Stand holding a light pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing each other. Keeping your thumbs pointed up, raise your arms up at a 30-degree angle to your torso until just above shoulder height. Hold for 1 second, and lower to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions. The exercise will help you add pounds to your bench by improving the stability of your shoulders.

                                                                                                                                If targeting each of these muscles seems like a hassle, there is an easier way: Do a whole-body routine like Men’s Health’s all-new 82-Day Speed Shred program, which was designed by Gaddour (that’s him at right celebrating the end of one of the workouts). The 8-DVD, 18-workout program, which includes Combat Cardio, eliminates all the guesswork. How so? Every workout hits every muscle in your body.

And for more high-intensity workouts that blast fat, supercharge your metabolism, and ignite every muscle in your body, check out Men’s Health DeltaFIT, the one-stop destination for everything you need to know about metabolic training.

No Gym No Problem:

 Reblogged: from Shine from Yahoo                                                                                          No Gym No Problem:                                                                                                  If you don’t have time to hit the gym, that’s no longer an excuse. Celebrity fitness trainer Jennifer Cohen (who has worked with Keanu Reeves) and creator of “No Gym Required” stopped by “Summer Shape Up” to share the secrets to getting fit without ever going to the gym. Jennifer is also the fitness spokesperson for Weight Watchers and she even created their “Points/Activities Plus Fitness Series” DVD. She believes that if you only have a few minutes throughout the day at home, the grocery store, or even at the office there’s easy ways to build lean muscle and burn fat. Try a few of these “No Gym Required” exercises to start getting in shape.

Prisoner Squat with Twist– Deep squat past your knees while your hands are laced behind your head. As you come back up to starting position you twist your knee to your opposite elbow. This requires no equipment and tones your thighs, abs, and glutes.

Lateral Lunge to Half X– Lunge to one side and push your hips back. As you come back to starting position you lift your opposite arm over your head until you’re in a half an X shape! This is a great full body move that works your glutes, legs, core, and abs. Do 15 reps on each side three times.

Leaning over Shoulder Raise– Starting position is on your knees, lean-to the side and raise your weight or water bottle up to shoulder level. This move works your entire core, obliques, and shoulders.

Lunge with Wood Chop– While lunging forward holding a weight or a water bottle on one shoulder. As you lunge forward you swing weight diagonally over to one side. It’s perfect for strength and cardio fitness. Do one set of 15 then change sides.

Jennifer takes the “anytime, anywhere, no excuses” approach to getting and staying in shape.                                                                                                                                                                             diet, Dieting, DVD, Fitness, Health, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight, Jennifer Cohen, Keanu Reeves, Lunge (exercise), Muscle, Personal trainer, Physical exercise, Squat, Top Weight loss, Weight, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips, Weight Watchers

Water is our Body’s Lifeblood

Water is our Body’s Lifeblood

Yes Water,I felt this post was Important because I think there are a lot of people (self included) that don’t  FIJI Waterrealize how Important It really Is for our health.There are so many of us (self included) again that are hooked on soda,coffee,energy drinks that we almost always choose one of those over a fresh glass of water.I know this because I am one of those people,I can go through a case of Mt Dew in two days with no problem, But just like anything else It’s really hard to stop doing something you are so used to doing, that It has become a habit to reach for the soda first.Now my body Is paying me back for all of those years of  drinking so much soda.So now I see how much my body needs water and I have started cutting back on how much soda,and coffee I drink and I have made It a rule to drink at least 6-glasses of Water a day and I must say I feel so much better I am not as tired,I don’t hurt as much, I can breathe better,and I don’t get as many headaches. SO yes Water is very Important for our body whether you’re trying to loss weight or just want to obtain good health.

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of approximately 55 to 75 per cent water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration and is contained in lean muscle, fat and bones.

As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from lungs, skin, urine and feces. Water is needed to maintain the health and integrity of every cell in the body, keep the bloodstream liquid enough to flow through blood vessels, help eliminate the bye products of the body’s metabolism, helps to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature through sweating, lubricate and cushion joints and carry nutrients and oxygen to the body’s cells, just to name a few. Drinking refreshing, clean water plays a major role in reducing the risk of certain diseases.

The loss of body water through urination is greatly increased by the ingestion of decaffeinated and alcoholic beverages. These drinks have a diuretic effect, meaning they stimulate the kidneys to excrete more urine. Not only do we lose water, we also lose water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) and other B complex vitamins. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an
additional glass of pure water.

A diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables will supply about 4 cups of water per day. Even with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, it is still necessary to drink an additional 6 to 8 cups of water per day to supply enough water to meet the body’s daily needs. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water.

Dehydration occurs when the water content of the body is too low. This is easily fixed by increasing fluid intake. Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, lethargy, mood changes and slow responses, dry nasal passages, dry or cracked lips, dark-colored urine, weakness, tiredness, confusion and hallucinations. Eventually urination stops, the kidneys fail and the body can’t remove toxic waste products. In extreme cases, this may result in death.

Approximately six to eight glasses of a variety of fluids can be consumed each day. More than eight glasses may be needed for physically active people, children, people in hot or humid environments, and breastfeeding women. Less water may be needed for sedentary people, older people, people in a cold environment or people who eat a lot of high water content foods.

Alcoholic beverage, B vitamins, Body water, Dehydration, diet, Drink, Drink Water, Health, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight, Human nutrition, Muscle, Nutrition, Physical exercise, Vitamin, Water content, Weight, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips, Wine tasting descriptors

Best Workouts for Every Age

English: Pulldown exercise, which strengthens ...

English: Pulldown exercise, which strengthens the arms and back Français : Formation de résistance par un vieillard, Hollywood Русский: Пневматически регулируемая тяга на тренажёре для пожилых, Голливуд (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Reblogged:from Yahoo Health            This is a great article, with links to exercise routines for everyone no matter what age you are these routines will keep you in shape and feeling great.The way you age is determined by more than just your DNA. The latest research reveals that exercise can help delay and even reverse aging’s debilitating effects on your muscles, heart, and brain. The only side effect? You will also look your best.Men’s Health talked to the world’s leading cardiologists, neuroscientists, nutritionists, and trainers to create this master plan for your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. It can help you anticipate your body’s physiological shifts, and then guide you through critical adjustments to your workout and diet to match them. Yes, you will grow older, but you’ll also grow stronger and even smarter.Jump to:

Feel Great in Your 20s

“In your 20s, you have a wonderful ability to execute intense, heavy, frequent exercise,” says Alexander Koch, Ph.D., an associate professor of exercise sciences at Truman State University. “Don’t blow the opportunity.”

Workout Tips for Your 20s

Master the Muscle Trinity

There”s no faster way to build muscle than with low-rep, heavy-resistance routines based on the fundamental strength exercises: the squat, the bench press, and the dead lift, says Mike Robertson, C.S.C.S., an Indianapolis-based trainer. Use these tips to do each exercise better. Squat: Keep your chest up and back naturally arched, and turn your knees out during the movement. Bench press: As you push the weight up, keep your shoulder blades back and down, and tighten your leg muscles. Tuck your elbows close to your sides. Deadlift: Keep your chest up and back flat, squeeze your glutes, and push from your heels on the lift.

Accelerate Strength Gains

Power is a function of strength and speed working in concert, so when you”re in your 20s, your training should also include plyometric exercises, or explosive movements. “Jumps allow strength to be converted to power,” says Boyle. “Think of it this way: Jumps train mainly your nerves, while weights train your muscles.” In fact, along with helping you gain speed and power, doing plyometrics also builds new muscle, according to a 2008 Danish study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Build a Body She’ll Desire

Don”t deny your vanity; just remember who you”re trying to impress. In a landmark Harvard study, male undergraduates were asked to choose which bodies they wanted to have from a range of composite images. On average, the guys chose bodies with 30 pounds more muscle. By contrast, when women were asked to select men”s bodies they found attractive, they chose guys with 15 to 30 pounds less muscle than the male participants had selected. “The ideal is closer to Derek Jeter”s body than that of Barry Bonds ,” says Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and co-author of the study.

Fuel Up on Super

Protein is the key nutrient for building muscle. And all men, especially guys in their 20s, should take in at least 30 percent of their total calories from high-quality protein sources like lean meats, fish, dairy, and poultry, says Susan Bowerman, M.S., R.D., an assistant director of UCLA”s center for human nutrition. Eat 1 gram of protein for each pound of your target weight. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds but want to weigh 180, eat 180 grams of protein a day. To speed recovery from power workouts, drink a shake made with at least 20 grams of whey protein powder, 1/3 cup milk, 1 cup cranberry juice, and 1 cup frozen mixed berries (which are inflammation fighters).

Barry Bonds, Bench press, diet, Dieting, Fitness, Healthy Ways to Lose Weight, Men’s Health (magazine), Muscle, Physical exercise, Strength training, Truman State University, Weight, weight loss, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips

The Best Fitness Foods

Reblogged: from Women’s Health                                                                                                                                                                                              Fueling your body the right way gets you better workout results!OISHI Green Tea

Eat Exercising on an empty stomach makes you more likely to lose  muscle, and without any extra gas in the tank, your exercise intensity and overall calorie  burn will take a hit. An hour or two before working out, snack on 100 to 200  calories of complex carbs and protein (like a cup of nonfat yogurt or a piece of  fruit and a cheese stick).

Drink Sipping green tea—hot or iced—helps your muscles recover  faster after a workout so you can get back into the gym more quickly.  According to a study in Nutrition, exercisers who drank green  tea extract, which contains therapeutic antioxidants, had less muscle damage  after workouts compared with those who drank only water.

Snack Red apples, berries, and grapes contain the antioxidant  quercetin, which can boost your endurance and oxygen capacity, making workouts  feel more doable, according to a study from the University of South Carolina‘s  Arnold School of Public Health. Researchers believe quercetin also helps the  fatigue that can cause you to skip workouts.

Read more at Women’s Health:

Calorie, dieting programs, Fitness, Health, Loss Weight, Muscle, Physical exercise, Quercetin, University of South Carolina, weight loss programs, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips, Women, Women’s Health

Tighten That Butt

Tighten That Butt  Video :                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Here’s a nice little video with a few simple exercises to firm you’re tush.                                                                                                                                       Aerobic,exercise, Business, Fitness, Free, Health, Hosting, Kim Kardashian, Muscle, Physical exercise, Squeeze (band), Texas toast, Top weight-loss, United States, Web Design and Development, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips                                                                                                                                                                                                 Related Articals:

LA Fitness in Perspective

A Marine of the United States Marine Corps run...

A Marine of the United States Marine Corps runs through a creek. Original caption: "Lance Cpl. Anthony M. Madonia emerges from the water during the swimming portion of the triathlon. Marines and Sailors of Marine Security Company and the Naval Support Facility in Thurmont, Md., participated in the Catoctin Mountain Triathlon, July 20." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nowadays, many people, particularly those that have certain kinds of diseases, start exercising for the sole purpose of losing weight. When the pounds do not drop as quickly or as completely as they would like, they get discouraged and give up.

If you take away any message about exercise and certain illnesses, let it be this: Even if you do not lose weight, your investment in exercise is still paying off in reduced heart disease risk and better blood glucose control.

Moreover, exercise simply makes you feel better, both physically and mentally. Your energy level will rise and the endorphins released by your brain during exercise will boost your sense of well-being. The motivating factors here is that you should never give up before you really get started. You owe it to yourself to keep going.

Hence, many people have already realized the importance of employing physical fitness for the body.

Moreover, with the advent of the Internet, information regarding these fitness centers is gradually dominating the Internet. Take for example LA fitness. It has its web site readily available, 24-hours a day, to anyone who wish to get some information regarding physical fitness.

LA fitness is a conglomeration of different fitness centers in the United States.

Since its inception in 1984, LA fitness, as the sole owner of the different fitness clubs in the U.S., has continuously operated and managed the different sports clubs in Arizona, Georgia, Florida, California, Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Connecticut, Washington, and New Jersey.

It continues to grow and expand its territory as it plans to have 135 additional fitness centers and sports clubs in the country. It aimed to operate new techniques and services for their new markets.

Therefore, for people who wish to know why LA fitness always rings a bell, here are some of the reasons why it became as popular as it is today:

1. Commitment to service

The best thing about LA fitness is that its management and staff are committed to bring forth the kind of service that their clients deserve. They provide their clients with facilities that are totally way above the rest.

Best of all, they also modify and develop their existing fitness equipments in order to give their clients the needed satisfaction as far as physical fitness is concerned.

2. Fitness programs

Another best thing about LA fitness is that they continue to provide their customers with the right and appropriate fitness programs that would truly drive their clients to a healthier life.

They have incorporated the concepts of yoga, indoor cycling, aqua aerobics, mat Pilates, and kickboxing among others. They have also employed the utilization of sports activities as part of their health and fitness programs.

With their sports fitness, they also have their own tournaments and leagues, which foster camaraderie and sportsmanship among their members.

In turn, these additional activities provide better alternatives to those who do not wish to be constrained on aerobic activities alone.

3. Revolutionary approach in aerobics

Like any fitness centers, LA fitness has its aerobic programs as the main attraction on their program. The only difference that LA fitness makes is that they focus on utilizing revolutionary approach to their aerobics programs. This, in turn, provides their clients with a better way of losing weight and maintaining a healthy, physically fit lifestyle.

Best of all LA fitness provides optimum customer satisfaction to their clients from the very start that they enter their clubs and centers.

Indeed, staying healthy and maintaining a physically fit body is possible in LA fitness clubs.

dieting programs, fat burners, Fitness, Health club, LA Fitness, Muscle, New Jersey, Physical exercise, Physical fitness, Sport, Top Weight loss, United States, Weight, weight loss, Weight Loss Tips, weight tips

Eating And Exercise

Protein & porridge

Protein & porridge (Photo credit: septuagesima)

It’s Important to know anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try to maintain good health. You also know that you have to eat as well, so your body will have the energy it needs to exercise and maintain for the everyday tasks of life.  For making the best of your exercise, what you eat before and after you workout is very important.No matter if you are going to be doing a cardio workout or a resistance workout, you should always make it a point to eat a balanced mix of protein and carbohydrates.  What makes that determining percentage of carbs and protein you consume is whether or not you are doing cardio or resistance exercise and the intensity level that you plan to work at.The ideal time for you to eat your pre workout meal is an hour before you start.  If you plan to work at a low intensity level, you should keep your pre workout meal down to 200 calories or so.  If you plan to exercise at a high level of intensity, you will probably need your meal to be between 4,000 and 5,000 calories.

Those of you who are doing a cardio session will need to consume a mix of 2/3 carbs and 1/3 protein. Doing so will give you longer sustained energy from the extra carbs with enough protein to keep your muscle from breaking down while you exercise.

For resistance exercise, you’ll need to eat a mix of 1/3 carbs and 2/3 protein, as this will help you get plenty of energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the extra protein will help keep muscle breakdown to a minimum while you exercise.

Eating after you exercise is just as important as your pre workout meal.  Anytime you exercise, whether its cardio or resistance, you deplete energy in the form of glycogen.  The brain and central nervous system rely on glycogen as their main source of fuel, so if you don’t replace it after you exercise, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, and then convert them into usable fuel for the brain and the central nervous system.

Keep in mind that mostly during resistance exercise, you’ll break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears.  What this means, is that after a workout, your muscles will instantly go into repair mode.  Protein is the key here for muscle repair, as you don’t want muscle breaking down even further to create fuel instead of lost glycogen.

Once you have finished a cardio session, you’ll need to consume mainly carbohydrates, preferably those with high fiber.  Rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and northern fruits are excellent sources. Also, try to consume 30 – 50 grams of their types of carbs after you exercise.  After your cardio workout, it is fine to eat within 5 – 10 minutes.

Once you’ve finished a resistance workout, you will need to consume a combination of carbs and protein.  Unlike cardio workouts, resistance workouts will break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears.

You’ll need protein as this happens to build up and repair these tears so that the muscle can increase in size and strength.  The carbs will not only replace the lost muscle glycogen, but will also help the protein get into muscle cells so it can synthesize into structural protein, or the muscle itself.

After your resistance exercise, you should wait up to 30 minutes before you eat, so that you won’t take blood away from your muscles too fast.  The blood in your muscles will help the repair process by removing the metabolic waste products.

Aerobic exercise, Carbohydrate, Eating, Fitness, Glycogen, Health, Muscle, Physical exercise, Protein, Resistance training

Exercise balls

An exercise ball allows a wide range of exerci...

An exercise ball allows a wide range of exercises to be performed. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Exercise balls are one of the most innovative ways to exercise.  These little balls will catch every one’s fancy due to their shape and very attractive colors.  The real benefit of these balls, which were introduced by a group of Swiss medical therapists, is a substitute of support during exercise.Working out with the exercise balls will strengthen and tone all of the major muscles of the body.  The soft texture of the balls make it an ideal choice for Yoga positions, using dumbbells for muscle toning, or working on heavy-duty weight training equipment.The advantage of exercise balls is that they are durable and maintain shape well under pressure.  The documentation with the balls will provide test load figures for how much weight the exercise balls will hold.  The advantage here is the fact that the balls provide soft yet firm support that doesn’t harm your body.

You can find exercise balls in several different colors and finishes.  You can even get a ball that matches the texture of your room.  They are simple to store and you can even roll them under your bed or a table if you prefer.  When you aren’t using them, you can let kids play with them.  These balls are very fun for kids, as they are very soft and won’t cause them any harm.

Medical equipment Originally developed for use in medical therapy, the exercise ball is used to support the body during exercise.  These balls will provide support to the body when you do a specific exercise in a specific position and still need to maintain the balance.  Most exercise balls are made of burst proof latex or other material that is very safe to use.

There are many postures with yoga and muscle toning exercise that can only be done with the help of support.  For these postures, exercise balls are quite useful.  The exercise balls will introduce an element of stability to the exercise that you wouldn’t normally get with the floor exercise.

Your body responds automatically to the instability to keep balanced on the exercise ball.  This will help in strengthening the muscles that aren’t actively participating in exercise.

An exercise is also very useful for physiotherapy treatment.  Exercise balls will help to get rid of backache and spinal disorders.  The small range of movement and adjustment of balance of the spine that is induced by exercising with the exercise ball will help reduce back pain.

The Swiss ball exercise is for people with back pain to provide them with a simple way to restore movements after an episode of back pain.  It also results in improved muscle strength, greater flexibility, and a wide range of motion of the spine during treatment.

Weight, weight loss, Weight Loss Tips, Top Weight loss, Health, Physical exercise, Shopping, Muscle, Fitness, Weight training, Wine tasting descriptors, Exercise ball, Swiss