A Little Something from Evertyday Roots

               A Little Something from Evertyday Roots                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So since my last post didn’t work out so well I will be removing it.But this is a little something I received in my first email from Evertyday Roots. So I decided to share it will you instead. If you visit their website you can sign up for updates and you will receive free ebooks.so I hope you enjoy..
Here are some of the most popular remedies on Everyday Roots…

Detox Drink– Feeling a little overwhelmed by the toxins in your environment? This is simple recipe shows you how to make a refreshing drink to help cleanse your body-what makes it so great is that it’s an honest approach to detox, not an empty promise.

Spicy Cider Decongestant– When the tissues start to pile up, this is a go-to recipe. As the winter colds and sniffles begin to fade spring allergies are starting up, and such a delicious, effective, decongestant is sure to be a savior!

5 Healing Honey Infusions– Honey is a wonder substance that is capable of treating a wide variety of ailments. In these 5 recipes, other healing ingredients are infused with honey to create remedies catered to specific symptoms and illnesses.

Homemade Electrolyte Drinks– Colored sugar water-that’s what most sports and electrolyte drinks really are. Instead of glugging a bottle who-knows-what, replenish your system and reward your body with these delicious homemade drinks.

18 Home Remedies for Headaches– Tension or migraine, a headache can be debilitating. Experiencing chronic headaches on a daily basis myself, I have had a long time to come up with these natural remedies to avoid side effects of OTC medication.

6 Natural Remedies for Fleas on Dogs– Fleas will drive both you and your dog crazy, but it’s not unusual for dogs to have adverse reactions to the potent chemicals in prescription flea medication. With these remedies, you have natural alternatives to give you peace of mind.

22 Home Remedies for Acne– What do acne and a donkey have in common? They’re both stubborn. Trying to clear up your skin can be frustrating, but with this long list of remedies you are well on your way to having skin that you can be happy in. 

Want more remedies? Learn how to replace the toxic products and medications in your home with over 215 natural remedies, beauty recipes and DIY household products by downloading our book here.

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