An Onion A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Common onions are normally available in three ... Reblogged:from                                           Update on an earlier post                                                                                                                                     Did you read that title twice thinking it said apple? Well read it again. Onions are naturally rich in disease-fighting nutrients and should definitely be a part of your weight loss plan.

What would our lives be like without onions?

Onions have been used as an ingredient in various dishes for thousands of years by many cultures around the world. World onion production is steadily increasing, so much that the onion is now the second most important horticultural crop after tomatoes, and that’s something to take advantage of.

Onions are virtually free of sugar, in particular red (also known as purple) and white onions are both natural powerhouses, loaded with nutrients for a healthy and clean-eating diet that will keep you on track to meet your weight loss goal.

Worried about bad breath? Well here are 5 important reasons to include onions in your weight loss plan:

1. Fight colds and the flu

  • Early American settlers used wild onions to treat colds, coughs, and asthma, and to repel insects.
  • In Chinese medicine, onions have been used to treat angina, coughs, bacterial infections, and breathing problems.
  •  Nobody likes getting sick (especially when you need to work out to meat your weight loss goal), so try incorporating onions into your diet since they’re naturally antimicrobial – meaning they can help your immune system defeat those unwanted germs.

2. Prevent cavities!

Yes, they might cause bad breath, but onions are naturally antifungal. Studies have shown that onion extracts reduce the bacteria in your mouth that cause cavity formation!

3. Best for your bones.

According to a study by researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina the bones of postmenopausal women who consumed onions once a day or more had an overall bone density that was 5% greater than individuals who consumed onions once a month or less. The key compound that allows onions to build strong bones is quercetin, a flavoniod responsible for the yellowish-brown look of many onions.                                                         4. Support heart health

Onions are a rich source of flavonoids, substances known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease. That means you’ll also be young at heart (literally) well into your golden years!                                                                   5. Keep your digestive track healthy

While onions are naturally low carbohydrate, the bit of sugar they do contain is high in fructans, a type of sugar thatpromotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the bowel. You’re probably familiar with these healthy bacteria in your yogurt – it’s the same thing! A good bacterium in your digestive track supports everything from your immune system to regularity – all the things that will keep your weight loss goals in check.

BONUS — Try this: Red onions are naturally sweeter than white onions, so they make a pleasant addition to many means when raw. Try adding red onions to your lunch today – in your green salad or raw veggie wrap with hummus!                                                                                                                                                                                             Bacteria, Halitosis, Health, Human nutrition, Medical University of South Carolina, Onion, Red onion, Salad, weight loss, White onion

The Power of an Onion

English: onion

Image via Wikipedia

I always knew onions were strong but just how strong are they, well you are about to find out. In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million  people there was this Doctor that  visited the many farmers to see if he could  help them combat the flu… Many of the farmers and their families had contracted it and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer and to  his surprise, everyone was very  healthy. When the doctor asked what the  farmer was doing that was different  the wife replied that she had placed an  unpeeled onion in a dish in the  rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms  back then). The doctor couldn’t  believe it and asked if he could have one of  the onions and place it under  the microscope. She gave him one and when he  did this, he did find the flu  virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed  the bacteria, therefore, keeping  the family healthy.  Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it  to a friend in Oregon who  regularly contributes material to me on  health issues. She replied with this  most interesting experience about onions: Thanks for the reminder. I don’t know about  the farmer’s story…but, I do  know that I contacted pneumonia, and,  needless to say, I was very ill… I came  across an article that said to cut both ends  off an onion put it into an  empty jar, and place the jar next to the  sick patient at night. It said the  onion would be black in the morning from the  germs…sure enough it happened  just like that…the onion was a mess and I  began to feel better. Another thing I read in the article was that  onions and garlic placed around  the room saved many from the black plague  years ago. They have powerful  antibacterial, antiseptic properties. This is the other note. Lots of times when we have stomach problems  we don’t know what to blame.  Maybe it’s the onions that are to blame.  Onions absorb bacteria is the  reason they are so good at preventing us  from getting colds and flu and is  the very reason we shouldn’t eat an onion   that has been sitting for a time  after it has been cut open. LEFT OVER ONIONS ARE POISONOUS  I had the wonderful privilege of touring  Mullins Food Products, Makers of  mayonnaise. Questions about food poisoning  came up, and I wanted to share  what I learned from a chemist. Ed, who was our tour guide, is a food  chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone  asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always  worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed’s  answer will surprise you. Ed said  that all commercially made mayo is  completely safe. “It doesn’t even have to be refrigerated. No  harm in refrigerating it, but  it’s not really necessary.” He explained  that the pH in mayonnaise is set at  a point that bacteria could not survive in  that environment. He then talked  about the summer picnic, with the bowl of  potato salad sitting on  the table, and how everyone blames the  mayonnaise when someone gets sick. Ed says that, when food poisoning is  reported, the first thing the officials  look for is when the ‘victim’ last ate  ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it’s  not the mayonnaise (as long as  it’s not homemade mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It’s probably the  ONIONS, and if not the onions, it’s the  POTATOES. He explained onions are a huge magnet for  bacteria, especially uncooked  onions. You should never plan to keep a  portion of a sliced onion.. He says  it’s not even safe if you put it in a  zip-lock bag and put it in your   refrigerator. It’s already contaminated enough just by  being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly ) watch out for those onions you  put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!).  Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you’ll  probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your  sandwich, you’re asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in  a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial  mayonnaise will even begin to break down. Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their  stomachs cannot metabolize onions  Please remember it is dangerous to cut an  onion and try to use it to cook  the next day, it becomes highly poisonous  for even a single night and  creates toxic bacteria which may cause  adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food  poisoning.Of course I had to see for myself  if this really worked. ( not that i have the flu ) You see I’ve developed a cough that I haven’t been able to kick, so I  wanted to see if this would help me breathe a little easier so i wouldn’t cough as much. So I took an onion and cut it into three thick  slices and put them each in a gar and placed one in my kitchen,living room,and my bedroom and about an hour or so later I realized that I hadn’t coughed in a while and I could breathe a lot better. I couldn’t believe it the onion was making the air cleaner, and my home doesn’t smell like onions either it just smell lighter and some how fresher. I was amazed how well this worked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Farmer, Health, Mayonnaise, Onion, Oregon, PH, Poison, Potato, Potato salad